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Winston Churchill
Meeting Churchill by Sinclair McKay PAPERBACK OUT NOW
Mirrors of Greatness: Churchill and the Leaders Who Shaped Him by David Reynolds
Blue Jerusalem: British Conservatism, Winston Churchill, and the Second World War by Kit Kowol
Churchill's Citadel: Chartwell and the Gatherings Before The Storm by Katherine Carter
Kingmaker: The Life of Pamela Churchill Harriman by Sonia Purnell
Quotable Churchill: Inspiring Quotes from a British Hero
Winston's Bandits by Adrian Phillips
Mr. Churchill in the White House: The Untold Story of a Prime Minister and Two Presidents by Robert Schumuhl
Churchill Cold War Warrior: Winston Churchill and the Iron Curtain by Anthony Tucker-Jones
Winston Churchill by Peter Caddick-Adams
Churchill: The Scottish Years by Andrew Liddle
Churchill, the Liberal Reformer: The Struggle for a Modern Home Office by Duncan Marlor
A Churchill Treasury: Sir Winston’s Public Service through Memorabilia by Brian Krapf
Cheers, Mr Churchill: Winston Churchill in Scotland by Andrew Liddle
Attlee and Churchill : Allies in War, Adversaries in Peace by Leo McKinstry