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Counterfactual History
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Second World War
The Generals by Iain Dale COMING JUNE 2026
The Generals by Iain Dale (Signed copy) COMING JUNE 2026
Mrs Thatcher's War by Christopher Collins COMING 11 May 2026
Oliver Cromwell: The brave, bad man of British history by John Morrill COMING FEB 2026
Turncoat: Roundhead to Royalist, the Double Life of Cromwell’s Spy by Dennis Sewell COMING 4 SEPT
Korea: War Without End by Richard Dannatt COMING 22 May
Vikings in the East From Vladimir the Great to Vladimir Putin – The Origins of a Contested Legacy in Russia and Ukraine by Martin Whittock COMING 24 APRIL
Mellon vs. Churchill: The Untold Story of Treasury Titans at War by Jill Eicher COMING 24 APRIL
Lest We Forget: War and Peace in 100 British Monuments by Tessa Dunlop COMING 24 April
Churchill's Third World War: British Plans to Attack the Soviet Empire by Jonatha Walker COMING 24 APRIL
The Fiery Spirits: Popular Protest, Parliament and the English Revolution by John Rees COMING 22 APRIL
Allies at War: The Politics of Defeating Hitler by Tim Bouverie COMING 17 APRIL
Necessary Women: The Untold Story of Parliament’s Working Women by Dr Mari Takayanagi & Dr Elizabeth Hallam Smith
Beyond the Wall: A History of East Germany, 1949-1990 by Katja Hoyer
The Wild Men: The Remarkable Story of Britain's First Labour Government by David Torrance PAPERBACK OUT NOW
The Madness of Courage by Tony Insall
War Memoirs by Charles de Gaulle
Kings & Queens (Signed by Iain Dale)
The Dictators: Warnings From History edited by Iain Dale (Signed copy)
The Dictators HB & On This Day in Politics PB (Signed by Iain Dale) with £3 off
The Presidents (Signed by Iain Dale)
The Lost Chapel of Westminster: How a Royal Chapel Became the House of Commons by John Cooper
On the Back of an Envelope: A Life in Writing by Peter Hennessy
Millicent Garrett Fawcett - The Fight for Votes for Women