US Presidential Election Campaigns 1789-2024 by Iain Dale COMING MARCH 2026


Expected shipping date: 26th Mar 2026

26 March 2026

50 chapters on each of the 50 presidential election campaigns since 1789, each written by a different contributor from the world of politics, academia, journalism and history. Here are the elections, together with the name of the person who is writing about them...

1789 Washington v Adams Sir Brandon Lewis
1792 Washington v Adams Johnny Farrar-Bell
1796 Adams v Jefferson Nan Sloane
1800 Adams v Jefferson Roifield Brown
1804 Jefferson v Pinckney Michael Crick
1808 Madison v Pinckney Matthew Binkowski
1812 Madison v Dewitt Clinton Peter Snow
1816 Monroe v King Corey Froggatt
1820 Monroe v Noone Alex Noonan
1824 Adams v Jackson Mark Fox
1828 Jacksob v Adams Josh Provan
1832 Jackson v Clay Kelly Johnston
1836 van Buren v Harrison Graham Butler
1840 Harrison v van Buren David Walsh
1844 Polk v Clay Richard Gaunt
1848 Taylor v Cass Natasha Clark
1852 Pierce v Scorr Karin Robinson
1856 Buchanan v Fremont Adam Smith
1860 Lincoln v Douglas Tim Shipman
1864 Lincoln v McClellan Julia Langdon
1868 Grant v Seymour Nick Thomas-Symonds
1872 Grant v Greeley Richard Johnson
1876 Hayes v Tilden Poppy Trowbridge
1880 Garfield v Hancock Alex Puffette
1884 Cleveland v Blaine Connor Hand
1888 Harrison v Cleveland Robert O'Quinn
1892 Cleveland v Harrison George Simpson
1896 McKinley v Bryan Karl Rove
1900 McKinley v Bryan Sarah Stook
1904 Roosevelt v Parker Sue Cameron
1908 Taft v Bryan Gary Murphy
1912 Wilson v Taft v Roosevelt Robert Waller
1916 Wilson v Hughes Andrew Gawthorpe
1920 Harding v Cox Rosie Campbell
1924 Coolidge v Davis Sam Marks
1928 Hoover v Smith Michael McManus
1932 Roosevelt v Hoover Gerry Hassan
1936 Roosevelt v Landon Peter Kellner
1940 Roosevelt v Wilkie Sir Robert Buckland
1944 Roosevelt v Dewey Neil Stockley
1948 Truman v Dewey Layla Moran
1952 Eisenhower v Stevenson Tim Hames
1956 Eisenhower v Stevenson Allie Renison
1960 Kennedy v Nixon Alvin Felzenberg
1964 Johnson v Goldwater Edward Young
1968 Nixon v Humphrey./Wallace Simon Heffer
1972 Nixon v McGovern Philip Norton
1976 Carter v Ford Iain Dale
1980 Reagan v Carter Daniel Pitt
1984 Reagan v Mondale Tim Montgomerie
1988 Bush v Dukakis Adam Boulton
1992 Cinton v Bush v Perot Sir Peter Riddell
1996 Clinton v Dole Luke Tryl
2000 Bush v Gore Toby Harnden
2004 Bush v Kerry Justin Webb
2008 Obama v McCain Donal Blaney
2012 Obama v Romney Colleen Graffy
2016 Trump v Clinton Emily Maitlis
2020 Biden v Trump Jon Sopel
2024 Biden v Trump Sarah Smith

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